19 August 1999 (Thursday)
Sluggo mentioned a performance by Utopia, Frank Zappa's last backup band
at, forget the venue, this Saturday. Sluggo wondered who the lead guitar
would be, perhaps Keneally?
New tune "Night Train" by James Brown. Cool groove. Steve will chart.
Jammed on "Suzy Q" by CCR. This has possibilities because of its simple
yet powerful archtypal chord prog. Various chord forms were
discussion for the rhythem guitar by Don and Steve. Jim layed down the cool
base groove.
"Hold Your Head Up" by Argent mini-jam. Don and Steve like this tune for
possible rythmic and harmonic variations.
Worked on new take of "Time Is Tight". Take sounded excellent and was
pretty clean. I few more takes and we'll have it (hopefully).
Discussed using the Tascam mixer for headphones.
Discussed getting a hard drive for the computer. Ken likes the Jazz drive
and Steve and Don like the idea of the hard drive. Steve offers to buy
Discussion about the T.V. movie about Sweetwater, the first electric act
at Woodstock, which evolved into a discussion about the Who, then a
discussion about Bob Dylan and Bloomfield/Cooper, etc.
Decided to keep the present schedule of Thursday nights. If there is
a schedule conflict, e.g. family, etc., we can move to Monday for that